Posted by Elisenda.
visiting world
Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona
Hi people! Today I'll explain what we saw in the CCCB in Barcelona last thursday for who wasn't be there.
First of all, we went in a explisition about a writter callen BALLARD that wrote science-fiction, he has a cancer. People says that was a inmediate visionary because he didn't writte about a future in the space like others but wrote about the future that we are living in nowadays.
He was influenced for 3 wars. The 2nd Mundial War, Vietnam War, and Japanesee War.
His texts are a reflexion about what we are doing with our world and the hard end that could come if we continue doing the same. He gives causes to technologies.
After that, we went to lunch something, and in the afternoon we went ina conference about perdiodism in s.XXI. There were a latinoamerican and an American writters and they talked about internet (blogs, wikies...) and how it affects to poblation. A periodist that was in the audience ask, well, he explain his opinion that hisk ing of tool to get informations sometimes is a worng way because there are a lot of lies and mistakes and these lies are stealing work or importance of traditional periodists. But conferentians, said that contrart in this opinion, they said that it was a way to provocate on people the necessity to contrast the virtual information with traditional one.
In my opinion, I'm with the periodists of audience because sometimes you need inmediatly this information and no time to contrast or check it in this moments, but I belive in a new organization that will revise internet informations to create a more pure tool of knowledge.
At the end, we went un a bar to have a drint and latelly take the traing to come back to home...and that's all for today. =)'
Hi people! Today I'll explain what we saw in the CCCB in Barcelona last thursday for who wasn't be there.
He was influenced for 3 wars. The 2nd Mundial War, Vietnam War, and Japanesee War.
After that, we went to lunch something, and in the afternoon we went ina conference about perdiodism in s.XXI. There were a latinoamerican and an American writters and they talked about internet (blogs, wikies...) and how it affects to poblation. A periodist that was in the audience ask, well, he explain his opinion that hisk ing of tool to get informations sometimes is a worng way because there are a lot of lies and mistakes and these lies are stealing work or importance of traditional periodists. But conferentians, said that contrart in this opinion, they said that it was a way to provocate on people the necessity to contrast the virtual information with traditional one.
In my opinion, I'm with the periodists of audience because sometimes you need inmediatly this information and no time to contrast or check it in this moments, but I belive in a new organization that will revise internet informations to create a more pure tool of knowledge.
At the end, we went un a bar to have a drint and latelly take the traing to come back to home...and that's all for today. =)'