Posted by Elisenda.
Maybe could be a little description of my hobbies or something like this. So I'll introduce myself with a new topic different of anyone can you think. Photography!
I've discovered a new hobbie inside me. well, since many time ago, I liked photography
and Graphical design of photographies and programs related as the Photoshop.
I've a new skill. I've bough a camera, but not anyone specifically Canon 400D, it's a little bit expensive, but I know that I am going to extract very much profit of it. So, I don't want to bore you so to finish this presentation I only put a pair of images that I've done with my new cámera. I love it =)*
See you later...
a lot of huggs
a lot of kissies
a lot of happiness
and a lot of love,
/sendapetita ♥♥